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Architetto / Abitante / Attivatore
Aiuto a immaginare e costruire luoghi da abitare dove non esistono
Questo è il mio website su Architettura, Ricerca e Attivismo
Grazie per essere qui!


PASSATO: il cantiere come playground, studiare architettura sostenibile per capire che l’architettura o è sostenibile o non è

Fin da bambino ho giocato attorno a mattoni, legno, materiali recuperati in cantiere da mio padre e mio nonno entrambi mastri muratori. il mio destino era (più o meno) scritto. Dopo la laurea triennale in architettura sostenibile vinsi un concorso con la mia tesi (relativa a un villaggio ipogeo per contrastare la diffusione urbana) e decisi che avrei frequentato la magistrale in architettura in inglese. Ero stufo degli aggettivi dopo la parola “architettura” (l’architettura è sostenibile o non è!) e ero affascinato dall’imparare con persone provenienti da tutto il mondo. Fu la scelta giusta!

Per ultimare il mio percorso di studi studiai in Erasmus a Vienna. Al Politecnico i professori mi chiedevano il “perché” a Vienna il “Come”. Scelsi Vienna perché ero affascinato dai differenti approcci all’architettura from Sitte to Hundertwasser, da Otto Wagner (il mio preferito) a Coop Himmelblau. A vienna abitai nel progetto residenziale del Viadotto progettato da Zaha Hadid: un’occasione stupenda per giocare con con lo spazio, i suoi muri inclinati e la relazione interno / esterno.

Ritornato a Milano decisi la mia tesi avrebbe riguardato la città diffusa, il luogo in cui ero nato, e in cui vissi  fino ai 20 anni. Ho investigato le storie ordinarie dietro al più banale materiale presente nei paesi italiani: la casa unifamiliare. Faccio parte di quella generazione “Erasmus” che, allontanando il punto di vista dal proprio paese, ha imparato a riconoscerne le mancanze e le contraddizioni pur continuando ad amarlo e che, per questo motivo, ha deciso di restare con la forte volontà di esserne parte attiva e non semplice spettatore.

PRESENTE: tra professione, attivismo e ricerca 

Oggi dopo 10 anni passati in significativi studi di architettura o intrapreso un percorso professionale personale e con la mia startup che sperimenta un approccio circolare in architettura. Nel 2019 ho co fondato Re-sign SB Srl una startup innovativa con l’obiettivo di innescare l’economia circolare nel settore delle costruzioni. Dal 2014 sono tutor al Politecnico di Milano in laboratori di progettazione urbana con il tema “fare urbanistica dopo la crescita” e recentemente in corsi di tecnologia dove ho la possibilità di approfondire la mia ricerca sul riuso dei materiali.

VISIONE: migliorare, o almeno non peggiorare, per le future generazioni il mondo che mi è stato dato 

Credo nell’attivismo quotidiano: il mio mezzo di trasporto preferito è la bicicletta. Sono co-fondatore di Cycl(H)ub una ciclofficina popolare e fondatore di Va’rese microvalorizzazione del quotidiano un progetto di mappatura a Varese. Dal 2016 sto portando avanti con Legambiente Varese Casamatta un luogo in cui imparare facendo il significato di economia circolare.


Dal primo anno di università immagino l’architettura attraverso un approccio BIM. Mi sono innamorato del software Archicad e l’ho introdotto in  tutti gli studi in cui ho lavorato: nessuno se n’è pentito. Nel 2021/2022 ho frequantato un master di II livello per rafforzare le mie competenze BIM. Mi diverto ed esploro il mondo dal cielo con un drone che mi permette di lavorare con la fotogrammetria e le nuvole di punti.


Sono in grado di produrre buoni risultati in molte aree, sono organizzato e motivato. Ho fiducia in me stesso e ho una mentalità aperta. Riesco facilmente a costruire relazioni potivie con le persone con cui collaboro. Sono curioso, appassionato e sempre pronto a imparare.


“incorpori nello stesso momento componenti arcaiche e postmoderne!” A. Lanzani ​


CLICCA QUI per scoprire cosa pensano di me i miei colleghi, e datori di lavoro



RICERCATORE a tempo determinato

2024 - oggi | Dastu, Politecnico di Milano



2018 - oggi | RE-sign società benefit s.r.l. - startup innovativa 


2015 - 2022 | Brusa Pasqué architetti associati, Varese


2013 - 2015 | LCArchitetti, Varese



TUTOR DIDATTICO - Politecnico di Milano

2023 - 2020 | Workshop di tesi - Tecnologia (Brunetti)

2023 - 2019 | Summer School - Laboratorio del cammino

2021 | Fondamenti di Tecnologia - focus riuso materiali (Croce)

2021 | Laboratorio di Urbanistica (Lanzani)

2020 - 2019 | Progettazione urbanistica (Infussi, Guidarini)

2020 | Progettazione urbanistica (Donadoni)

2019 | Progettazione urbanistica (Lanzani)

2018 | Landscape and infrastructure design (Poli, Zanfi)

2017 | Workshop Earth Service (Ingersoll)

2015 - 2017 | Progettazione urbanistica (Lanzani, Zanfi, Merlini)

2016 - 2017 | Laboratorio di Urbanistica (Zanfi)

2015 - 2014 | Progettazione arch. e urbana (La Varra, Zanfi)




2016 - oggi Casamatta con Legambiente Varese 

#economia circolare #comunità #autocostruzione #fornocomune 

2016 - oggi Va’rese - microvalorizzazione del quotidiano, Varese 

#sociale #rigenerazione urbana #mappatura #eventi #placemaking

2014 - oggi Cyclhub - ciclofficina per tutti, Varese 

#diy #makers #riparazione #riuso #crowdfunding #bicicletta



2023 Scuola Architettura Mediterranea Naturale, ANAB
2021 - 2022 Master II liv. BIM specialist, coordinator, manager, UniPisa

2022 IH Programma di Accelerazione, Impact Hub, Milano con Re-sign SB Srl

2013 Summer Workshop, ENSAM, Polimi, Marseille

2012 Summer Workshop, Domus Academy, Taipei

2012 PoliMi, Architecture (in inglese), 110/110

2011 Tu Wien, Architecture (Erasmus)

2009 PoliMi, Architettura Ambientale, 107/110



Progettazione alle varie scale

BIM / Digitale

Sostenibilità / Riuso

Rigenerazione / Restauro Beni culturali

Velocità di esecuzione / Affidabilità

Problem Solving

Pensiero critico

Visualizzazione / Comunicazione

Rapporto con clienti / Gestione team

Insegnamento / Tutoring

Autonomia / Intraprendenza

Propensione apprendimento





Archicad BIM + Ecoplugin

Twinmotion / VR

Metashape (fotogrammetria) / Cloud Compare / WebODM

3DS max + Vray

Adobe Suite + Lightroom

MS Office

Google Drive, docs, sheet










Inglese (C1)






Architetto Libero Professionista, Apr 2022 - oggi

  • Office redevelopment Casa della Carità, Varese. client: Pane di S.Antonio association [project + diy realization] 

  • Fuori Contesto Canteen improvement of the acoustic comfort, interior restyling and implementation as a library of things, Varese with Concrete Acoustics. client: Cooperativa La Corte [preliminary, detail, final design]​

  • Urban regeneration with a co-design and participation approach, winner project of Creating Living Lab, Culture Ministery, Monza. client: in collaboration with Studio Caravatti, Ass. Africabougou Onlus, Liberi Svincoli, Auser, Meta   

  • Kindergarten inside an historical heritage residential building, Varese. client: San Luigi Cooperative  [preliminary design]​

  • Refurbishmentof a residential complex with a mix of kindergarten, senior housing and hospitality functions, Vareseclient: San Luigi Cooperative  [preliminary design]​

  • Kindergarten inside an artisanal building, Varese. client: San Luigi Cooperative  [preliminary design]

  • Ex Macello Varese Refurbishment as Sustainable and circular Social district with L.Serafin and G.Gatti. client: Organizing committee Varese Social District  [preliminary open source design]​

  • Cohousing in front of Como lake, Renovation, Leccoclient: private [preliminary design]​

  • Tactical urbanism in Monza. client: Legambiente Monza [preliminary design]​

  • Diffused hotel in Chiaravalle, Renovation, Milan. client: collaboration with arch. A. Cilia


  • Ex paper mill Marzabotto with Luciano Crespi, Cristina Morbi, Laura Martelli, Marta Bagnacani

  • Ex Polveriera Reggio Emilia with Luciano Crespi, E. Brusa Pasquè, Marta Bagnacani

  • Merano Corso Libertà with D.Baronchelli, Rocco Ceo, Giuseppe Vrilletti


CO-fondatore, CEO RE-sign startup innovativa società benefit , gen 2018 - oggi

a startup with the aim of developing a construction oriented web platform to match supply and demand, to share materials that somebody define waste and trigger circular economy

supported by Comune di Varese, Legambiente Varese,

Architetto progettista senior, BIM, Coordinatore @ Studio Brusa Pasquè (80%), dic 2015 - apr 2022

  • new Regional Basket Museum and Renovation of Varese Basketball indoor stadium [detail]

  • refurbishment of historical building in hospitality center for Fondazione G.Ascoli, Varese[detail, final]

  • landscape design for Konza smart city in Kenya with PRR architects, Technital [preliminary, detail, final] 

  • Via Cilea community park, Milan with PRR architects [preliminary, detail, final] client: A2A   

  • abandoned historical cultural heritage reconversion in civic center, Magnago [preliminary, detail, final]

  • un-used chimney stack as a Landmark, Parco Alto Mincio [competition partecipation] 

  • A2A call center renovation in a historic building, Milan [preliminary design] 

  • cateen for Arol Canelli, Langhe  [preliminary design]

  • bar/restaurant Obala, Herceg Novi, Montenegro [preliminary design, final design]

  • Healing the Himalayan, a proposal for self reconstruction, Nepal, book by Prof. Pant [preliminary]  

  • residential area, Blevio [preliminary design, PII]

  • residential proposal for not self sufficient people, Varese, [concept design, PII]

  • residential area, Comerio [preliminary design, PII]

  • proposal for a villa in Singapore [concept design]

  • residential and turistic area, Tremezzina [preliminary design, PII]

  • reconversion of ex industrial area, Varese [preliminary design, PII] 

  • Zenzero bar in Milan, design for all [concept, accessibility design, final design, working plan]

  • Guttadauro office renovation in a diffused landscape [preliminary design]

  • Reconversion of hotel, Borgosesia [preliminary design]

  • Del Ponte Hospital 5th floor renovation, Varese [preliminary design]

  • Sesto Calende waterfront [competition participation] 

Architetto a@ LCA architetti , apr 2013 - dic 2015

  • Interior renovation apartment in Varese [preliminary design]

  • Cairate new school [competition: 1st prize]  

  • training boxes in public park [preliminary design]

  • urban renovation in Cazzago Brabbia [preliminary design]

  • Temporary Office Novello [preliminary design]

  • Exhibition stand for Novello [Preliminary Design, Working Plan]

  • Exhibition stand in urban environment for CasaClima [preliminary design, working plan]  

  • School extension and library, Boltiere [competition: 3rd prize]  

  • Civic Center Travacò Siccomario [special mention]  

  • Tourist-box inside underused historical buildings in Messapi area [competition: 2nd prize]  

  • “Riuso Mazzoleni” masterplan and strategic development for an ex industrial area [honourable mention]  

  • Varese lake pedestrian and cyclist path regeneration [competition participation]

  • wine factory renovation, Negrar [competition: finalist]  

  • intergenerational center, Coldrerio  [competition participation] 

  • Water is Alive: abandoned water purifiers reconversion [competition: 3rd prize]  

  • auditorium and political center in N'jamena, Chad [working plan, rendering]

  • House of Design Adi [competition partecipation]  

  • single family house facade renovation [working Design, CNC technical design]

Graphic designer, exhibition designer for F De Pieri, F.Zanfi, Sept - Nov 2014

  • Graphic, drawings and exhibition design for "Calling Home" exhibition in Venice Biennale 2014 ▶ 

Architetto Freelance @ Studio Roberto Mascazzini and Gino Guarnieri architects, jan 2013 - sept 2013 

  • piazza Libertà in Avellino urban renovation [competition participation] 

  • renderings, visualizations and editorial work for:

  • singlefamily housing complex in Albinea

  • house in Villa d'Adda restoration and extension

  • Furnace housing complex in Sesto S.Giovanni   

Architetto Freelance @ Alpha team, Feb - Mar 2013 

  • master plan in Geneve

  • villa in lake Maggiore area 

Architectural assistant @ Studio Roberto Mascazzini, Nov 2011 - Apr 2012

  • cemetery in Cesate [preliminary design, final design, working plan]

  • Borgosesia urban renovation [working plan]  

  • 2nd prize for San Paolo library in Monza with Emilio Caravatti  

  • Forte dei Marmi [competition participation]

Internship at Studio Roberto Mascazzini, Oct 2011

  • cemetery in Cesate [winning proposal]

  • Internship at Metrogramma, Jan-Feb 2009

  • Internship at Arch. E.Molla, Jun-Jul 2006

  • Occasional assistant at my family construction company, 2001-2008



Tutor at Politecnico di Milano, Mar 2021 -  Jun 2021

  Architectural technology fundamental, bachelor degree, architecture

  duty: help professor and manage circular economy lecture and exercise exploiting the naive sight of young 

  student in architecture ansking them to re-sign with the aim of re-use building  components. 

  professor B. Croce

Tutor at Politecnico di Milano, Sept 2020 - Feb 2021

  Town planning design workshop, master degree, architecture

  "Rethinking urban regeneration in the average Italian city. The northern area of Reggio Emilia"

  professors A.Lanzani, C.Mattioli

Tutor at Politecnico di Milano, sept 2020 -  on going

  Workshop of Thesis, Technology, master degree, architecture

  "Casamatta: Solidarity and sustainable temporary hospitality"

  professors G.Brunetti, Di Luzio

Tutor at Politecnico di Milano, Mar 2020 - Jul 2020, Mar 2019 - Jul 2019

  Town planning design workshop, master degree, architecture

  "The contribution of territories and workplaces to the construction of habitable space in the territory of the Insubric region."

  professors Francesco Infussi, Chiara Barattucci, Stefano Guidarini

Tutor at Politecnico di Milano, Sept 2019 - Feb 2020

  Town planning design workshop, master degree, architecture

  "Production, environment and territory after the growing season. Rethinking the space of manufacturing in  Varese context"

  professors E.Donadoni, M. Baccarelli, G.Setti

Tutor atLaboratory of the Way ⟶"Sardinia Reloaded", Aug 2019 - Oct 2019

  10 days trekking investigating depopulation issue within sardinian marginal areas Ogliastra and Campidano. 

  Inter-university network developing innovative teaching projects with the aim of exploring the methodological potentiality of walking in urban design field.

Tutor at Politecnico di Milano, Sept 2018 - Feb 2019

  Town planning design workshop, master degree, architecture

  "Production, environment and territory after the growing season. Rethinking the space of manufacturing in   Varese context"

  professors Arturo Lanzani, Cristiana Mattioli, Giulia Setti

Tutor at Politecnico di Milano, Mar 2018 - Jul 2018, Mar 2017 - Jul 2017

  Town planning design workshop, bachelor degree, urbanism 

  "Urban planning standards: explorations of a heritage and prospects for reform. The case of Modena"

  professors Federico Zanfi, Cristina Renzoni

Tutor at Politecnico di Milano, Sept 2017 - Feb 2018

  Landscape and infrastructure design studio, master degree, Land, landscape and cultural heritage [eng]

  "Lugano: lakefront as catalyzers for the future of the city"

  professors Matteo Poli, Federico Zanfi, eng. Anita Raimondi

Tutor at Politecnico di Milano, February 2017

  AGRIshelter 2days workshop, master degree, architecture

  PalletMania, DIY furniture design and construction with pallets

  professors Richard Ingersoll  >>video links

Tutor at Politecnico di Milano, Sept 2016 - Feb 2017

  Town planning design workshop, master degree, architecture

  "Urban planning after growth: Seveso, the denied river"

  professors Arturo Lanzani, Chiara Merlini, Federico Zanfi

Tutor at Politecnico di Milano, Mar 2016 - Jul 2016

  Town planning design workshop, bachelor degree, urbanism

  "Modena, urban planning standards. Types of space and prospects for reform after growth"

  professors Federico Zanfi, Paola Savoldi

Tutor at Politecnico di Milano, Sept 2015 - Feb 2016, Sept 2014 - Feb 2015

  Town planning design workshop, master degree, architecture

  "Urban planning after growth: reorganizing production spaces, redeveloping open spaces, managing

  coexistence with abandonment processes. The case of the ceramic district of Sassuolo"

  professors Arturo Lanzani, Chiara Merlini, Federico Zanfi​

Tutor at Politecnico di Milano, Mar 2015 - Jul 2015

  integrated course of architectural and urban design, master degree, architecture

  "MANUFACTURE: places where things are made"

  professors Giovanni La Varra and Federico Zanfi

Tutor at Politecnico di Milano, Mar 2014 - Jul 2014

  integrated course of architectural and urban design, master degree, architecture

  "MANUFACTURE: places where things are made"

  professors Giovanni La Varra and Federico Zanfi


corso architettura Naturale in clima mediterraneo, Anab, 2023


Master II level. BIM specialist, coordinator, BIM and CDE manager

University of Pisa,  Nov 2021 - Oct 2022, 360 h

Italian state Examination of professional architect, Milan 2020

Italian platform of actors for the Circular Economy, WG4 participates "Circular and sustainable value chain", Jan 2020 - present

CAM class,  GBC Italy, 10 hours, June 2019

International Workshop, Rencontres [avec] le Territoire

Marseille, jul 2013, ENSAM [FR] + Politecnico Milano [IT]

International Workshop, Natural/Urbanity

Taipei, jul 2012, Domus Academy[IT]+i2a[CH]

International Workshop, MIAW2/forests

Milan, Sept 2011, Politecnico di Milano [IT]

Technische Universität Wien 

Master, Architecture, 2010 - 2011 [Erasmus]​

Politecnico di Milano 

Master, Architecture [Courses hold in English], 2009 - 2012, grade:110/110

Politecnico di Milano 

Bachelor, Sustainable architecture, 2006 - 2009​



Co-founder, Casamatta, 2016 - present

  a circular economy citadel inside Gurone ex-mill in Malnate (VA)

  with Legambiente-varese-

Founder, VA'rese collective, 2015 - present

  VA'rese -microvaluation of everyday life- urban mapping, social project

  supported by FAI-varese- and Legambiente-varese-.

Co-founder, Cyclhub, Varese oct 2014 - present

  Cyclhub is a net of associations (FIAB, Legambiente,  Coopuf) with the aim to create a free DIY bike in Varese

  repair hub and a bicycle comcommunity.

  The project was supported by a crowdfunding  campaign.

Schiscè experiment, Sept 2018 - Feb 2019

  Healthy vegetarian home made Lunchbox preparation and delivery : at work lunch breaks as experiments in         between environmental awareness, good food, team building and home economics for me and my colleagues.

Co-founder, Biumo social street, Varese Feb 2015 - 2016

  The aim of Biumo Social Street is to promote socialization between Biumo Inferiore resident in order to build

  relationships, to interchange needs, to share expertise, informations and knowledges, in a word strengthen  

  the community.

Co-architect, VARESE HUB, Varese Jun 2013 - Dec 2013

  preliminary project for a community hub inside a former industrial building

  client: Social Co-operative The house in front of the sun



Re-sign idea won "Youth and business ideas" award + fund for young entrepreneur, Municipality of Varese, 2018

Special Mention "Fassa Bortolo International Sustainable Architecture Award", 2010

2nd prize competition "Open air theater in Kopfing" [AT], 2012

2nd prize competition "Musikhaus in Zillingdorf" [AT], 2012



"Casamatta, Circular Hub" in Luciano Crespi, 2023, !Design del non-finito. L'interior design nella rigenerazione degli "avanzi"", Postmedia Books 

"Verso un progetto circolare, tra architettura e allestimento. Piattaforme digitali per il riuso". In: Innovability: transizione digitale, 31 dicembre 2022, Agathon, ISSN (online) 2532-683X

 Davide Crippa, Massimiliano Cason Villa, Barbara Di Prete,Lucia Ratti, Agnese Rebaglio, Marco Zanini, Francesca Zanotto, (2022). 


"Waste as a Commons: Shared Practices of Materials Reuse for the Design of the Built Environment", 2019

 Chances International Conference

 F. Zanotto, M. Zanini

"This is how we design everything digitally" interview by F.Zanotto about BIM and the digital approach of "Brusa Pasquè associated architects".  

"Recycling industrial districts", Arachne, 2016

  A. Lanzani, C. Merlini, F. Zanfi, A. Debernardi, C. Mattioli, C. Parenti, M. Zanini,

“Dwelling is being. Some reflections on the VA'rese project and on the “ordinary/extraordinary/incognito” exhibition, Giulia Bombaglio, Marco Zanini

 Amphion and Zeto. Architecture and arts magazine, 27, 2017

The thesis “Underground residential district” has been published in:

  Balzani, M, & Marzot, N., 2010, "Architecture for a sustainable territory", Milan, Skira
  Natural House 56, 2011



speaker a Tedx Salon Reggio Emilia, 02 marzo 2024


relatore al Laboratorio di Architettura degli Interni prof. Roberto Rizzi, Serena Giorgi, 28  febbraio 2024, Politecnico di Milano.


relatore al corso di dottorato  “Circular Transition for Construction Sector”, 31  gennaio 2024, organizzato da Serena Giorgi e Nazly Atta al Politecnico di Milano.


organizzazione giornata di  formazione teorico-pratico "CALCE - CANAPA materiale naturale per la rigenerazione sostenibile”, 21 ottobre 2023. In presenza @ Casamatta, co-organizzato da Legambiente Varese e Biolevel. Patrocinato da Oda Varese. 

relatore all'evento "Della natura e dell'arte"  ideato dalla gallerista Cristina Moregola in collaborazione con la Fondazione Bandera per l'Arte e lo studio legale A&A, 7 ottobre 2023, @Biblioteca di Castellanza

relatore al convegno “Autocostruzione ed Economia Circolare“, 5 giugno 2023. @Cascina Nosedo, Milano, organizzato da Dastu Polimi

relatore “Progettare in tempo di crisi“, 28 aprile 2023. @Cascina Nascosta, Milano, organizzato da Legambiente Lombardia, Giacimenti Urbani, Re-sign con il patrocinio di Icesp Italia


relatore “Città come miniere: ripensare il settore delle costruzioni partendo dallo scarto per superare il limite di una terra finita“, 3 marco 2023. @Villa Panza, Varese, organizzato da Fai Varese per Festival di Filosofia Filosofarti   ▶


relatore a giornata di studio “Nuovi modelli organizzativi e strumenti per il re-manufacturing e il riuso“, 2 dicembre 2022. @Polimi 


organizzazione giornata di studi "Comune, Locale, Circolare. Architettura oltre la crisi”, 23 luglio 2022. In presenza @ Casamatta, co-organizzato da Re-sign srl e Legambiente Varese. In collaborazione con Polimi, Liuc, Uninsubria. Patrocinato da Oda Varese, Cna, Confartigianato.


organizzazione e partecipazione incontro online “Designing the circular city. Il digitale al servizio della transizione” per Milano Digital Week 19 marzo 2021


organizzazione e partecipazione convegno "Costruire Circolare. Dal rifiuto al recupero/riuso”, 16 ottobre 2020, Online, organizzato da Comune di Varese, Re-sign srl, ospitato da Ordine Architetti di Varese
con Raffaele Cattaneo, Regione Lombardia, M.C.Gadda, M. Lombardi Arpa, prof. A.Rogora, Albori Studio, E.Cattaneo (Harvest Map Italia) 

"Circular economy: dream or reality?" Talk with councilor Raffaele Cattaneo (Lombardy region), Director Mauro Colombo, 18 Nov 2020

"Circular Building. From waste to recovery/reuse",16 Oct 2020, Online, organized by Comune di Varese, Re-sign srl, hosted by Ordine Architetti di Varese

Exhibition curator, Workshop outcome ay 2018/2019

Chamber of Commerce of Varese, 23 October 2019

 Production, environment and territory. the contribution of workplaces to the construction of living space in the   Varese context.An exhibition of the best outcomes of the  ay 2018/2019 Politecnico Milano workshops held by prof. Lanzani and prof. Infusions in a multimedia gallery space. The exhibition was part of the conference about   negleted industrial spaces by Chamber of Commerce, Order of Architects Varese, Ance. video

Organizer, Ecostistema Olona

Casemate, 19 January 2018

public discussion with prof. Paola Viganò (IUAV), Arturo Lanzani (Polimi), arch. Sara Pivetta (AIAPP), arch. Giuliana Gatti (AIAPP) and public actors taking the steps from Andrea Cusanno, Marco Andreatta thesis "Viaggio nella Valle - dell'utopia del lavoro" to think and re-envision a sustainable development along Olona river valley.

Casamatta @Resilience in action

Polytechnic of Milan, 19 January 2018

 international forum organized by Resilience Practice Observatory 

Circular Casamatte @Varese

Varese, 6 October 2017

a round table with Maria Chiara Gadda, Dino De Simone, Fabio Iraldo,  Giorgio Caporaso, Alberto Frausin, CEO Carlsberg Italia Spa, Andrea Benzoni, Fabio Minazzi, University of Insubria, Mauro Apostolo Ecozema, Giuseppe Mauri,  Michele Giavini, Juri Franzosi, ANCE Varese, Marco Zanini and Silvio Aimetti, Comerio major. 

Ordinary/Extraordinary/Incognito exhibition

with photographers M.Verdi, N.Domaneschi, Apr 2016 - Feb 2017, Spazio Arte Unipol, Varese + catalog

sponsored by IFC group, Eolo, Telmotor

supported by Municipality of Varese, Varese 200 Years Committee, FAI - Delegation of Varese, Order of   Architects of the Province of Varese

with the participation of  Libera Varese, Slow Food Varese, Karakorum Theater

  photographic exhibition on ordinary beauty in Varese by VA'rese -micro valorisation of the everyday-

VA'rese @ Evolution of spaces and social innovation

Common Places Festival, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, May 2016

  talk with Marianna D'Ovidio / University of Bari, Sergio Zinna / Space Zo, Gabriele Boccaccini / Stalker Theatre, Marco Zanini / Va'rese Project, Kate Zilgave / Trans Europe Halles, 

Mapping Mafia exhibition

with Libera -Varese-, Apr 2016 - ongoing, Spazio Arte Unipol and several locations, Varese

  urban and photographic investigation onseized mafia properties in Varese, itinerant exhibition

Varese from A to B exhibition + conference

with G.Golemme, C.Frattini, L.Zoia, Apr 2014, Palazzo Estense, Varese

  urban and photographic investigation on Varese and conference "social work and trespassing practices"

Varese from A to B Andxhibition

with G.Golemme, C.Frattini, L.Zoia, oct 2015, Front future space, Varese

  urban and photographic investigation on Varese and exhibition  


co-director of Social Media,That Museum called City, 2018 - 2019

  website creator, digital media producer, content creator, event planner

instagram takeover @ VareseNews, Mar 2018

 #MappingMafia was exhibited in a >20k followers IG account for VA'rese -microvalorizzazione del newspaper -   collective

Director of Social Media,Casemate, 2017 - present

  website creator, digital media producer, content creator, event planner

instagram takeover @ VareseNews, Oct 2017

 VA'rese -microvalorizzazione del everyday- actions and works were exhibited in a >20k followers IG account 

Varese news cycle trip micro blog, Aug 2017

 daily diary/reportage during my cycle trip from italy to lake Balaton LINKS

Director of Social Media, VA'rese -micro valorisation of the everyday-, 2015 - present

  digital media producer, content creator, event planner

Director of Social Media, Cyclhub, 2014 - present

  digital media producer, content creator, event planner

  crowdfunding campaign production and coordination  

 Crowdfunding campaign


Good Knowledge


Archicad  / 16years

BIM / 8 years 

Photoshop / 15years

Illustrator / 15years

InDesign / 15years

AutoCAD / 18years

3ds Max / 13years

VRay / 10years

Maxwell Render / 15years

Office Suite / 20years

Google apps for collaboration / 8 years

Basic Knowledge

Mac, Premiere, Wordpress, Cinema4d, Sketchup, VectorWorks, Ecodesigner, Revit, Lumion, Premiere, Archicad plugin Ecodesigner, Grasshopper and LiveConnection for Archicad, Qgis, Python


Italian / mothertongue

English / advanced C1

German / basic

French / basic


Leica Kit x4

Drone Dji Mini 2 e relativa assicurazione
Nikon Z50
Pc MSi fascia alta



I seriously consider architecture the way we grasp the world

Photography   Do you wanna see? ▶

I love photography: quoting Luigi Ghirri: is a useful tool to questioning what surrounds us


Food is culture 

Graphic  Are you curious?

I'm interested in graphic design as a mean to communicate contents

Visualization and communication design   Also?!?

I'm interested in communication: a good project bad communicated is -unfortunately- a bad project


Adress students towards their own way to conceive good architecture is stimulating and gratifying

Travel   Click if you want to read my reportages 

Without experiencing the world around us we cannot, as architects, give a form to what we have in mind


The place, Le Mépris, Enter the void, Underground, High Fidelity...


I.Illich, R.Sennet, Byung-Chul Han, M.Augé, G.Clement, M.Heidegger,...


I'm an amateur guitar, accordeon, drums, harmonica player

Bicycle   I'm serious, yes
I believe bicycle is the most efficient human-powered means of transportation. I'm co-founder of a kitchen bike in Varese.


"In summary, a figure of a "restless" researcher and professional emerges, moved by a remarkable passion, very up-to-date on the debate on architecture and the city in Europe, and who can certainly make a very significant and original contribution in the field of teaching."

Chiara Merlini

As the reader may have the opportunity to verify, Marco is not a common person. His civil commitment for the common good is vast, his competence levels and creative control are of the highest rate, and he is gifted with the valuable capacity of promoting the future with actions and of making things happen. I myself would be very happy of the possibility to count on his support for my future endeavours. Indeed, he is recurrently one of the persons who come up first to my mind whenever some particularly enticing and important professional problem pop up in my activities.

Gianluca Brunetti

I greatly appreciated his contribution, both in terms of specific skills and in terms of the ability to relate to students and colleagues. In fact, he always proved to be ready for confrontation and constructive dialogue.

Stefano Guidarini

In my view, his capabilities are uncommon and highly sophisticated. He has demonstrated a particular aptitude for developing and testing innovative hypotheses in the context of multidimensional design, thanks to his intellectual vivacity and his curiosity, tackling themes in a creative way and placing them at the crossroads between the study of new living spaces, the in-depth knowledge of the context and environmental sustainability.

Francesco Infussi

As I often say to him too, Marco Zanini brings together archaic and futuristic components. You will see him speeding by bike, dealing with self-construction, reuse, and at the same time creating maps, Innovative Startups and BIM projects with his digital skills.

Arturo Lanzani

He has the ability to produce excellent results in a wide variety of areas, being organized and motivated, self confident and open minded.

Roberto Mascazzini

On every occasion in which we have collaborated, his intelligence, analytical skills and humanity have given excellent results.

Matteo Umberto Poli

Over the years, Marco Zanini's tenacity and rigor have allowed him to gain in-depth experience and knowledge in the field of urban design, architectural design and process design.

Paola Savoldi

I met Marco for his many cultural activities in the Varese area and I was immediately struck by his passion and seriousness but above all by the broad and profound vision with which he tackles any topic.

Luigi Vine Semeraro

He is a culturally rich individual, positively curious and interprets the role of architect in the noblest way: favoring the humanistic profile but without neglecting the tools and operational protocols necessary for the efficient development of projects. He has an excellent knowledge of work tools which he combines with great learning skills.

Luca Compri

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